a question on the best way to go about...

by Rob Prentice <rob(at)4-i-s-t.co.uk>

 Date:  Fri, 19 Jan 2001 16:49:20 +0000
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)hwg.org
 References:  apc
  todo: View Thread, Original

 I need a CGI script, not sure exactly how its all going to work. but,
 i need one that can handle lots of use. 500+ hits a day on the site.
 and it needs to write unser input to files and read user input. it
 will need to be able to cope with a heavy usage.

 what would be the best way to go about it? if i use CGI, do i use
 standard .txt files? obviously with different file extenstions.

 would each submission have its own file? or if the title of teh
 submission starts with an 'a' it goes into a file with all the other
 submissions that begin with an 'a'? or do i use ASP and a database?

 i need a script that can handle heavy usage and the best way of
 handling the data file. i dont have much experiance with CGI or ASP.
 i dont know CGI well enough at the moment to code whaet i will need
 it to do, and havnt got the faintest idea about ASP. i have a server
 but it doesnt support ASP. it supports PHP4 and CGI.

 anyone know of the best way to go about it? one large data file? lots
 of small ones? a few meduim sized ones? use a database such as
 access? or use flat files? im not too sure what the best way will be.

 thank you.

Take care,

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Friday, January 19, 2001, 2:22:19 PM, you wrote:

AH> Hi,

AH> Is there a heirarchical menu system (like the one on
AH> http://www.webreference.com/dhtml/hiermenus/ or more like that on
AH> http://www.oneworld.net/news/today/index.html) that will work in NN 3 and
AH> doesn't require frames? I've had a good look roound, and I think this is
AH> asking too much, but thought I'd ask!

AH> Best wishes,
AH> Adrian Harris M.A.

AH> Member of the HTML Writers Guild

AH> http://www.hwg.org/

AH> GreenNet Design: World Class Web design that won't cost the Earth

AH> http://www.gn.apc.org/design

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