RE: Scalability

by "David Clapper" <dclapper(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 14 Jun 2000 13:43:16 -0700
 To:  beno(at) hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original

Hi Ben,

Is that really what they mean by "scalability"?  Or are they
concerned that when they start getting zillions of hits, the
site can be scaled (quickly) to handle it? 

David Clapper

>--- Original Message ---
>From: Ben Ocean <beno(at)>
>To: hwg-techniques(at)
>Date: 6/14/00 6:05:43 PM

>Hi all;
>When I made my proposal to the national corp. I mentioned previously,
>asked me if the site would be scalable. Now, I consider scalability
to mean 
>where *all* components scale, like can be seen on this masterpiece:
>where everything scales to the resolution of the user's monitor.
Well, as 
>Steve Serra (and others) would rightly say, that's *way* beyond
my ability, 
>and I told the client that. (It wasn't on his spec sheet, either
;-) Then I 
>got to thinking (uh-oh)...
>What if I could build the site such that it could be retro-fitted
>scalability? Is this possible? Is it feasible? Or is it of such
a nature, 
>that it'd be damn near impossible? If it is possible and feasible,
>would I do it? TIA,

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