Re: Screen Resolution

by WebProgrmr(at)

 Date:  Wed, 2 Feb 2000 19:41:39 EST
 To:  karen(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original
I think you're asking how many pixels wide you should make your pages.  

If so, you need to find out how diverse the monitor size is of all your 
users.  Considering it's an intranet, this shouldn't be too difficult... even 
if there are hundreds of them.

When you learn what the standard minimum size is, base your decision on that. 
 A 14" monitor generally translates to 600x400 pixels.  A 17" monitor is 
800x600, if I'm not mistaken. And it goes up from there.  Before launch, 
you'll need to experiment with your code to see what the pages will look like 
in various computer configurations.  If it doesn't look great somewhere, 
figure out a way to compensate for the exception that it causes.


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