RE: off topic - e-mail software

by Eric Frazier <ef(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 28 Nov 2001 00:38:25 -0800
 To:  "Michael Wilson" <mwilson(at)>
 Cc:  "'hwg techniques'" <hwg-techniques(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

>It's not a full fledged firewall. It's more like Zone Alarm built into
>the system. It is more than sufficient for the average home user and
>with it turned on a, port scan by Shields Up! reports your IP as being
>in Stealth Mode; virtually invisible to the outside world. Unless you
>pissed someone off,

Or use Outlook :) 

 I doubt you would need much more. It works quite
>well for what it is.

BSD is a god of servers, very low maintenance(due to much better security)
next to what it would be for Linux, esp Red Hat.
If you are trying to compare BSD to a desktop user's machine then, well it
is good to have guys like you out there so I can win all the jobs :) 

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