Re: Business Question

by Eric Frazier <ef(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 04 Feb 2002 20:03:46 -0500
 To:  bkrWeb Services <bkrweb(at)>
 Cc:  "Brandon Coughlin" <bcoughlin(at)>, <hwg-techniques(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

I have found that a signature counts. By that I mean even if you don't have
a totally iron clad contract. If you get your customer to sign something,
they will tend to be much less likely to mess with payments. Of course the
better your agreement and project description the more protected you are. It
is preventative medicine. I also tend to get 1/2 to 1/3 up front, mostly
that depends on the amount. If it is a large project sometimes it makes
sense to break it into 3. If it is a very large or ongoing project I try to
get monthly payments that are automatic with me sending an accounting of my
work and hours each month. 


At 08:50 PM 2/4/02 -0600, bkrWeb Services wrote:
>I require half the quoted fee up-front and won't start work until the check 
>clears.  The remainder is due upon site completion.  Up to this point, I 
>have only designed for people that I know, but my hope is that this policy 
>will ensure that I get paid.
>At 05:43 PM 2/4/02 -0800, Brandon Coughlin wrote:
>>Okay, this may be off-topic.  If so, please let me know.  I have a question
>>to ask you all and get your opinion.
>>For the most part I only serve the local area around our part of the state.
>>I have never had any customers out of state.  Recently I got a customer on
>>the East Coast that wants me to design a site for his company.  With it
>>being out of state, I wanted to confirm that this guy was for real and that
>>his business really existed.  So I contacted the Dept of Revenue for the
>>state to confirm his existence.  They do not have any record for him or his
>>To make a long story short, I contacted City Hall to find out if he has a
>>license - they aren't in until tomorrow.  I contacted the Chamber of
>>Commerce and Better Business Bureau, they don't have any records on him
>>My question to you is this:  I guess a couple of questions actually....
>>1.  When you get a potential customer, do you check to make sure they are
>>actually registered with the State as a business?
>>2.  Is there any reason to care whether they are licensed?
>>It seems to me that a web designer has an ethical responsibility to be
>>concerned whether or not a business is legitimate, and that they aren't
>>conducting business illegally.
>>Please give me your opinions on this.
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