by Eric Frazier <ef(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 13 May 2002 12:18:48 -0400
 To:  <kenneth.dombrowski(at)>
 Cc:  "'Gibson, Timmi'" <timmig(at)>, <hwg-techniques(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

It is funny, transactions with mySQL are almost old news now, but it still
is taking so long for people to change their thinking, get used to the idea.
mySQL even has two(is there a third?) different methods of dealing with
transactions, innodb or berkely db tables. I believe innodb even includes
forgeign keys which the mySQL people said they hated, but at last they are
there now. :) 

If you want to find CFM people just post to the list. You will
find lots of out of work CF people there :) 


At 02:06 PM 5/13/02 -0400, Kenneth Dombrowski wrote:
>If you're not already committed to a technology, base your decision on
>the developers themselves. Comparing reliability or speed of PHP ASP
>mod_perl CFM JSP is really just academic (well, JSP is pretty slow) or
>political. CFM is probably the least extensible if that's the aspect
>you're researching, and I never looked for one, but the developers are
>probably harder to come by. Unless you're unhappy with it, use whatever
>fits best in the environment you already have; your static HTML probably
>already lives on a virtual NT or *NIX server - some technologies are
>still more or less appropriate for certain environments. There's more of
>a difference between the commonly available database servers, I do a lot
>of PHP-MySql sites (and prefer it), but won't trust commerce data to a
>system with no referential integrity, no (or new? Is it there yet?)
>transactions, etc.. So I use ASP-SQL Server for those. 
>Look at similar projects the candidates have done in the past and how
>long it took them to complete, etc. Competency is completely independent
>of the tools 
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"Inquiry is fatal to certainty." -- Will Durant 

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