Compiling Date Script that refreshes itself

by Sam <ssendon(at)>

 Date:  18 Jan 2000 10:18:08 -0800
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original

dear people,

I am here again! with my third question... =) i hope you won't get enough of me... =)

My third question is... can I compile my date script found within the url above as a date.js or something like that, so as to avoid using floating frames? This is my other option if I won't be able to remove the arrowheads in the floating frame... 

The catch is, if ever I compiled it, will the minutes still refresh every 60 seconds? or if i place there a seconds digit, will it also refresh every second?

Next, I haven't yet tried to compile any Javascripts into a .js file... Can anyone give me info on this? i mean, the softwares i need to do this or whatever i need...? 

I am asking this because as of now, I've only placed a meta tag at the head of my time.html page so as to refresh it every 10 seconds that way, the minute hand will also follow the PC's minutes at most 10 seconds late... please check the page for a more vivid description... =)

Well, I haven't yet received any reply to my first two questions.. I hope anyone of you can answer any of my inquiries... thanks again... =)

Samuel T. Sendon II
NETFUZE Hypermedia Designs - my Homepage

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