RE: Non-US Domain Registrations

by "Mike Kear" <choicemag(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 16 Mar 2000 10:14:13 EST
 To:  Dennis.Lapcewich(at),
 Cc:  ht(at), choicemag(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original

And I'm so glad this is happening too, because our courts have been sooo 
worried about what they're going to do with the days ahead.  Now they'll be 
set up with work for ages, with every internet user in the country in the 
queue to be prosecuted for breach of copyright.

Hey, right now I have 6 copies of IE open, and on my other machine, I'm 
testing my NN - with 4 windows open.   At $5000 per infringement, I guess 
I'm racking up offences at the rate of $50,000 grand an hour.  I suppose 
that means I'll have to raise my charge-out rate a little.

Mike Kear
AFP Web Development
Windsor, NSW, Australia

>That comment of mine came direct the government's website.  The government 
>Australia is deathly afraid of the open nature of the Internet, pure and
>simple, hence my final tagline in my post.  And if you think I jest, the
>proposed Digital Agenda bill (revisions to the Oz copyright act) makes the
>caching of copyrighted material illegal with no leeway.  If this part of 
>bill passes intact (very likely at this stage), proxy servers and web 
>will be illegal under Australian law because each caches web pages, which 
>under Australian law, copyrighted material.  :)

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