Re: Relational Databases

by "Mike Kear" <choicemag(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 06 Apr 2000 12:03:09 EST
 To:  beno(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original

Ooo dear you have bitten off a lot!  I had a boss once with your philosophy. 
  He used to say "you only get somewhere in this life by biting off more 
than you can chew then chewing like hell!"

Forget ASP, CGI unless you have a programming background.  If you're 
well-versed in html, and are prepared to study then I reckon ColdFusion is 
the way to go. It's an interface if you like between your web server and a 
relational database, and its commands are used like html tags and you use 
the normal html tools to put them in there.

For example, in html you have a <form></form> tag.  In ColdFusion you have a 
<cfform></cfform> tag, that does all the same things the html tag does, and 
a whole lot more too.  So you won't have a huge ramp-up in learning how to 
implement what you're doing.

You need to either know or learn or hire in some database  understanding, 
since that's the key to your project.   The cold fusion you can pick up 
pretty quick I've found - at least to a basic level.  Call your local 
Allaire distributor and he'll send you a 30 day eval copy on CD.  Then go to 
the tutorial and go through it.  YOu'll see what you're in 
for then.

At that point you can decide whether you ought to be learning to do this 
yourself, or a much better idea would be to sub the coldfusion stuff out to 
me <g> and I'll do if for you.

At any rate, I'll help you if you decide ColdFusion is the way to go.  There 
are some useful mailing lists in the ColdFusion community.

Mike Kear
AFP Web Development
Windsor, NSW, Australia

>From: Ben Ocean <beno(at)>
>To: hwg-techniques(at)
>Subject: Relational Databases
>Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2000 12:57:16 -0700
>Hi all;
>I've bitten off more than I can chew, and although it may cause
>indigestion, this one's going down :) I've signed a deal with a car
>dealership to develop a web site using a searchable, relational database
>that dynamically generates web pages from the server: one that can be
>completely rebuilt with new data by simply updating the server through MS
>Access or what have you.
>I'm new to *all* of this (but a very fast study). What approach would be
>optimal? ASP? Java? JavaScript? What resources (like this one) specific to
>that language do you recommend? What programs? I'd rather avoid CGI since
>it's too technical for me, but I guess I could job that out if I had to.
>Your suggestions, please! TIA,

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