Re: Many questions--mostly CSS

by "Peter-Paul Koch" <gassinaumasis(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 14 Jun 2000 11:54:25 GMT
 To:  gardenia(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original
>1) In NN (Mac and Win) the background highlighting of paragraphs only
>highlights the text and not the whole box like it does in IE.  (see 
and click on Investment Philosphies)

Add 'border: none' to the style sheet. This makes the paragraph a nice 
block. Note that if you use a lot of border declarations, Netscape may 
crash, so test it carefully on WinNT, Win95/98 and Mac, preferably with a 
Netscape lower than 4.7

>>5) In the disclaimers at the bottom of the main, securities, and Michael 
>Wendlandt pages, the font size of "Member NASD/SIPC/Registered Investment
>Advisor" must be two points smaller than the surrounding text.  All I could
>come up with was to enclose that phrase in <.font size="-2"><./font>, which
>doesn't seem to work.  It does in some places, but not in others.

<SPAN CLASS="member">Member of etc</SPAN>

and in the style sheet .member {font-size: 80%} or 10px or something like 

>6) My last question has to do with frames and non-frames versions.  Should 
>I bother with
>any of this?

Sounds OK. It's enough

The other side of this coin is for browsers that don't support
>frames.  I've put the main page in my <.noframes> tag with links to MS and
>NN for a new browser--is that dumb?

That's enough too.

The rest of your questions were already answered.

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