Re: What Comes Next?

by Susan Vollmer <susanvollmer(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 4 Oct 2000 18:47:09 -0700 (PDT)
 To:  wulin(at)
 Cc:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
I am certainly no expert, but my suggestion in terms
of what to learn next would be to ask what interests
you the most.  That way you will be more likely to
devote the time to develop as much expertise as anyone
might have in an ever-changing industry.

You could go the database / programming path next,
which many people have referenced.  You could develop
your graphics skills with software that enables you to
do creative things with text like Fireworks,
Illustrator or Freehand.  You could do your own
photography and edit images with Photoshop or some
other editing software.  You could do animated movies
with Flash, Shockwave or Quick Time.

No two people have to take the same road to reach a
destination.  Just my point of view.

Susan V.

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