Strange "Netscape Problem"

by hb <herblondeness(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 1 Nov 2000 21:16:28 -0800 (PST)
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
>From: "tim booker" <timbooker(at)>
>Subject: RE: Strange Netscape Problem
>You are right.  Netscape 4 is still used by 13% of
>surfers, compared to Microsoft's 81%.

Interesting stat.  Funny, tho - the stats from
TheCounter.Com counter on my site (12,000+ unique hits
 to date) consistently show 41% to 45% of my visitors
use Netscape 4.x or higher. 

I code my pages to standards, not to a particular
browser.  If a company chooses to code its site for
MSIE users to the exclusion of NN users, so be it. 
But I do wonder if said company is aware that's being
done, and that as a potential paying customer (and NN
user) I *will* take my spending money elsewhere.  

Finally, having pled guilty to caving in and laying on
a lash or two, can we please lay this dead horse (of a
browser issue) to rest and get on with the business at
hand.  I'm pining for my daily dose of excellent


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