RE: Music

by Melanie Gann <mgann(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 11 Apr 2001 11:33:24 -0400
 To:  bryan.westbrook(at),
 In-Reply-To:  amd
  todo: View Thread, Original
I asked the same/similar question a few months back. I have been unable to
a comprehensive tutorial on sound on the web.

I bought the book "Web Audio", but in general find that most information is
written from the perspective of multi-media-sound-jockey perspective... and
that there is very little written from the web developer perspective.

So if someone knows of a good tutorial I'd like to know it too. Otherwise
there's a good book opportunity for someone who knows their stuff.


At 09:07 AM 4/11/01 -0500, bryan.westbrook(at) wrote:
>Are you talking about music that automatically starts playing when the page
>loads?  If so, are you sure that your audience actually wants this?  This is
>really a hot button issue for a lot of users, and so you may want to
>reconsider.  By all means, include an "off" button if you do do this.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Maria's Place [mailto:maria(at)]
>Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 4:22 AM
>To: hwg-techniques(at)
>Subject: Music
>I am looking for a way to add music to an HTML newsletter.  We do not want
>it to open a music program, or link to our URL.
>Im thinking that somthing needs to be embedded in stationary but I'm not
>sure if that is true, what we're looking for is called or how to code it.
Melanie Gann
Second Street Web Design

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