by faucet(at)

 Date:  Wed, 28 Jun 2000 09:45:07 -0500
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
 References:  jeff hotmail attglobal
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 10:59 AM 06/28/2000 +1000, KathyW wrote:
>I would like to add one hypothesis of my own: 
>Larger sites and corporate ones...are getting more complex - almost
>certainly are or will be following the dynamic (database driven) route 
>rather than static.
>Smaller sites and personalised pages will almost entirely be static
>simply cause they don't need to be otherwise (or in some cases simply 
>don't have access to db support infrastructure).
>Is this likely to drive a divergence in languages used?

 I don't really want to get involved with complex corporate sites. I only
do simple sites that don't need bells and whistles and databases. These I
do for people who want to somehow "toot their horn" about some personal
cause, hobby, interest, etc. These people are NOT concerned with that old
"bottom line."

I am really concerned that simple coding will end up totally "deprecated"
to where these "little guys" will no longer be able to put up a web page
that says their say and shows their pictures...with no fancy stuff.

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