Re: Fonts on Server thru CSS??

by MokeleMbe(at)

 Date:  Wed, 11 Oct 2000 18:12:35 EDT
 To:  entr0py(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original
It deals with Bitstream Fonts, you can convert fonts to the pfr format and 
then they are displayed on the users page and the user doesn't have to have 
the font on there system. Doesn't work well on all browsers.

Scott Norman

<< Hey coders,
 I was surfing a certain site (don't wanna give its URL so as not to overload 
the webmaster with strange hits) which had this in its HEAD/CSS tags:
 <LINK REL="fontdef" SRC="futurismo.pfr">
 Now, I've never seen this before and it obviously utilized the font called 
"futurismo", which I'm assuming is in pfr format. I am not sure as to how 
this CSS code should be handled. 
 Are there any problems with it? And, how would I load fonts that are only 
accessible to Macs or PC's, but not both??
 Please let me know of any use it's been to you.
 Jay >>

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