IE5 for Mac & dpi preference

by WebProgrmr(at)

 Date:  Mon, 31 Jul 2000 18:22:57 EDT
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
IE5 for Mac has the ability to change the preference dpi.  A user of my web 
site has come to me after changing his prefs from the default (96dpi) to 
72dpi.  The text is now way too small to read.  

I define the fonts with external stylesheets...  
Basically, it's 10pt Arial that he's not getting good mileage out of.  I've 
tried 10ems, and 10px with no luck.  I need to keep the font size relatively 
small or I'll get a lot of undesirable word wrapping.  

Anyone have a possible work around on this?  I wouldn't mind doing some 
reading on it, I just don't know where to find the answer.  Can you help me 
get started on that reading?


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