Re: From a MAC to a PC - HTML files

by "Arcady"<arcady(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 23 Mar 2000 17:20:27 GMT
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
I went through this problem with BBEdit a few months ago.

MAC, PC, and UNIX all have different characters for what is a return. One of
the three formats uses both the methods the other two use. The other two use
either 'line-return' or 'new-line' or something like that...

Anyway, see if there's a preference in GoLive for using the PC version of a
return character. There was such in BBEdit though it took me a while to find

>A question was posed to me which I don't have the answer for, and
>look to my fellow colleagues for an answer.
>A person using GoLive on MAC found that when transferring the
>files to a PC (by floppy), the carriage returns are all out of
>whack. Making it very difficult to work with the files. I had
>suggested downloading the pages from the Server and save them on
>a floppy disc.
>Any better ways to handle something like this?

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