Re: PEST: Big 5" Company Nationwide:

by Kym Jones <kjones(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 13 Jun 2000 12:20:01 +0930
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
 In-Reply-To:  hotmail
  todo: View Thread, Original

Yikes Mike!!! with her head!!!

>jwhitfield obviously never reads the message I send, because she hasn't 
>noticed I have my own company, that I'm in Australia, and that I'm not about 
>to hand business over to any competitors.

Yes, I got an email from her and I responded. Call me gullible but she
obviously read it because she sent me a very nice personal response. Why
would you be handing over business to anyone. My tack with her was, I'm in
Australia, wanting to return to the States and yes, *please*, any work you
might be able to provide, I am more than willing to accept. She has no idea
who my clients might be so I don't see her as a "competitor". She *might*
even be helpful to me. I'm not sure that I understand what your being in
Australia has to do with it...when it comes to spam and or
job/'re just in the "world" :) except that being in
Australia just makes it more difficult to get work in the States.

>What else can be done to get rid of this spamming pest. The last thing we 
>need is the list being cluttered up with advertising crap from objectionable 
>creeps like Julie Whitfield and her damn

Well, I guess she could be taken out and shot but that seems a little many emails have you had from her ? ...sounds like your
mailbox must be groaning from the weight of them all and hiding your delete
key :)

>If there was even a tiny amount of effort to personalise the message - if 
>there was even any evidence that Julie had read anything I wrote, I'd take a 
>much more relaxed view of this. But it's clear that all she's doing is just 
>using the list as a means of harvesting email addresses.

Anyone else with this problem ? .... like I said, she's been very nice and
helpful to me. If something comes of it..great..if not...*shrug*

>What do the rest of you think?  Am I going over the top here?

I agree that the last thing we need is people using this list as a
harvesting ground for spammers, and yes, once found, they should be
removed...but I can see nothing wrong with somebody privately offering
genuine work. Whether or not, she is genuine, I have no idea, but I'm
willing to throw my hat in the ring and find out.  

Whether you own your own company or not...a buck is a buck and I personally
am not fussed about the color of it. In fact, I kinda like the ones with
the Prez(s) on em :) but then I think I was a Texan in a previous life...LOL.


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