Re: analog stats.

by Randy <htmlWG(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 05 Jan 2000 14:27:19 -0600
 To:  "Donna M. Jaggard" <donna(at)>
 Cc:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Donna,

At 10:55 AM 1/5/00 -0800, you wrote:
>So I've discovered that analog, or the version of analog that I'm running,
>isn't y2k compatible. And I'm also finding that searching the 'net for
>"analog stats" shows you a lot of other peoples stats. So I have no idea
>where to even look for an update if there is one.

Hmmm.  I just ran Jan 2000 with analog2.11/Unix.  The dates came out 
fine.  This was piped into an HTML report, if you are running it the same 
way, your version should show up right at the bottom of the report.

Here is an URL which will take you to the Analog site... I think they are 
up to version 4.x..

>So my question. Does anyone know if I should waste my time looking? Is
>there a y2k compatible version? My customers aren't really going to be
>happy with the year reading as 19100. :)

I should also mention it was ran on an Apache server.  Don't have that 
version number off hand.

Hope this helps.  At least the URL will give you a starting point.


>Donna M. Jaggard        Victoria Ferret Association
>donna(at)                    vfa(at)
>"Go away or I shall replace you with a very small shell script."

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