by 2Nerotik <2nerotik(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 25 Jan 2000 00:15:36 -0800
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
 In-Reply-To:  fatgraffix
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 09:43 PM 24/01/2000 -0800, fbfree wrote:
>I'm originally a Mac and Netscape web designer,
>but at my job i'm stuck on Windows & IE.
>Q: Any way to click and drag on a graphic on a web page
>in either NN or IE and get a phantom graphic to show?
>Never realized how awesome this little feature was on
>a mac till I started designing on Windows.

hmmm not sure what you mean by this but in IE you can left click & drag 
(just a couple of
mm needed) on a graphic and IE will open another window with just that 
graphic in it.

>Q: Any way to get IE view source to download the html to an
>application of my choice? Please tell me there's a way.

It depends you can get IE to give you the option to "Edit with ....." but 
view source is different IE doesn't give you the option to change the "View 
Source" from Notepad but you
can rename Notepad and copy in whichever program you want to use and rename 
to Notepad.

I got that info (thanks to this list) and it works great... of course I'm 
using NotPad (yes
NotPad) so the switch was easy.

To change the "Edit with...." do this (also from this list)

Run the registry editor and search for OpenWithList. You will see the
pertinent details. It took about two minutes to add Dreamweaver to the list.
(NT4, sp4)

>Q: Any way to turn the navigation buttons in IE to text only?
>They sure take up a lot of real estate.

No, but you can remove the text and set the buttons to smaller icons as 
well as rearrange
the tool bars... I have all my tool bars on one line... first buttons then 
URL then "File", Edit... etc.

This way you get a lot of real estate.

Even better, download Neoplanet, It allows you to 
fold up the tool bars or unfold them as you need them, similar to Netscape 
but the buttons are still available... meaning the tool bars fold up by 
giving you less buttons unlike Netscape which hides the buttons totally. 
Also Fullscreen mode still gives you use of the back, forward, stop etc 
buttons and URL unlike IE's fullscreen mode.

What is Neoplanet... a skinable shell program for IE with more options than 
IE alone provides as well as being much nicer looking. It should be noted 
tho that Neoplanet 5.1 beta is out right now and may contain bugs... So 
take a look but download at your own risk ;c) I can only vouch for myself 
about being happy with it.

PS: the opinions expressed in this email are of my user and not that of 
this computer, it's keyboard, mouse, or any other associated piece of 
hardware.  We do not expect, want nor warrant any response from anybody 
with the initials H.A.D.

||  All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand.
||  Addicted 2 Swing --->
||  Fontaholic ? --->
||  HTML Writers Guild --->

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