Best Way to Do This?

by Linda Engelman <linda(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 20 Nov 2000 18:32:28 -0800
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi gang --

Can someone recommend the easiest way to do the following?

I've got a bunch of pages that are part of a frameset.  If a user happens 
to access a page without its frames (such as through a search engine), I 
want to have some Javascript that adds frames back around the document.

I do NOT want to redirect the person back to the original frameset document 
because it contains document-a.html in the main content area.  The page the 
person is currently looking at is document-b.html.  So, I simply (maybe not 
so simply??) want to surround the current HTML document (document-b.html) 
with a designated top frame and left frame, making document-b.html appear 
as the main content frame.

Can this be easily done?

Thank you!


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