Re: Browser Usage Percentages

by Tamara Abbey <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 13 Dec 2000 15:54:57 -0600
 To:  Bryce and Kerri <brycefields(at)>,
 In-Reply-To:  yahoo
  todo: View Thread, Original

is a good place to start (I'm reasonably certain I received the link from 
him on one of the HWG lists).

Also, since this is a state department/web site -- you might want to check 
the archives -- Dennis Lapcewich just had a great post about ADA and web 
accessibility on the basics list.

Could be what you need to convince state officials that they /might/ want 
to look into stuff like compliance, accessibility, etc. . .


At 10:55 AM 12/13/00 -0800, Bryce and Kerri wrote:
>Does anyone know where I can find information on what
>percentages of people use which browser and version?
>I have heard anecdotally that the market usually goes
>about 75% IE, 25% NS, w/ other browsers occupying a
>small percentage.  But I need to find factual sources
>to present to cabinet officials.
>It's a weird situation here in the Natural Resources
>Cabinet of Kentucky (isn't it always).  It has been
>mandated by the higher ups that the Commonwealth ONLY
>uses M$ software, therefore we are(supposedly)ONLY to
>design for IE.  We're not even allowed to have
>Netscape or Opera installed on our machines.  To check
>how my pages look in other browsers, I have to wait
>until I get home.  Needless to say, we're trying to
>remedy this situation by convincing those same higher
>ups that marketing to one browser will greatly reduce
>the amount of people we can reach.  (Incidentally, I
>REFUSE to use FrontPage, and therefore have my own
>personal "rogue" copy of HomeSite installed on my
>machine at work.  Shhh...Don't tell anyone...).
>Any information would be considered very useful and
>may lead to the liberation of your fellow HTML
>brethren slaving away in the Kentucky Natural
>Resources Cabinet.
>Bryce Fields
>Webmaster, Ky. State Nature Preserves Commission
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