Re: The case of the disappearing table

by Tamara Abbey <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 15 Dec 2000 16:56:15 -0600
 To:  Noteworthy Web Designs <webmaster(at)>,
HWG Techniques <hwg-techniques(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  noteworthydesigns
  todo: View Thread, Original
Generally speaking, disappearing tables in Netscape are caused by unclosed 
tables. Somewhere you have a missing /td or /tr or /table.

I tried to run the page through the w3c validator at since it will quickly solve these mysteries for 
me. However, you don't have a doc type at the top of the page, so that 
didn't work either.

Try going back and setting borders to each of your tables until you find 
the one that breaks.

Or, put each table on a separate html page and view it in Netscape until 
you find the broken one.

I'm using NN 4.5 and I can see the form input areas, but little else on 
that rug. I also see where you set your link colors -- I can't see the red 
link font on the rug. Cool idea, looks like some tough execution though.

Good luck, HTH a little anyway!


At 09:32 PM 12/15/00 -0600, Noteworthy Web Designs wrote:
>OK, mystery lovers. I'm working on a page I have nested tables. The main
>table has two columns. The left column has a nested table for my
>navigational buttons. The right column has a nested table for
>information, BECAUSE the main background is black for the site, but my
>customer wants an Oriental rug pattern like a frame around the white
>informational table, which is on the right. So, I thought I'd use the
>rug pattern as a background in the right column and make the left column
>black, then the table in the right column white. Everything shows up
>fine in Internet Explorer, but all I can see in Netscape 4.5 is the
>pattern. I've tried making the whole major table in the pattern, then
>applying the appropriate background color to each luck. I've
>tried adding background color and background where luck.
>It's at To
>see what I WANT, look at IE. To see what's giving me a headache, look at
>it through Netscape and imagine a white table with information nested in
>the column where the pattern is. I promise, I think I've tried every
>combination possible.
>HELP!!!I'm snowed in anyway, so I have plenty of time to work!
>(By the design suggestions, please. This is a rough draft and I
>know what I need to change there. I just want the ***tables to work!!)
>Thanks in advance, and Happy Holidays!~
>Karen Stafford
>Noteworthy Web Designs
>"Websites Composed with Jazz"
>Web Design,Hosting,Search Promotion

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