Re: Can one convert a .jpg image to wallpaper?

by Roxy <4Roxy(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 17 Feb 2001 13:59:51 -0500
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Olga Stewart wrote:
>Anyhow, in our Wallpaper folder, we have one image
>that is in .jpg format.  My fiance wonders if he could
>convert it to a Wallpaper format.  But I have no idea
>how that would be done.

Maybe others know what you mean ... but I have to ask, what is "wallpaper 
format" that you mean?

Do you mean to display as desktop wallpaper? Depending on your operating 
system, .jpgs can be desktop wallpaper. Other operating systems need the 
image to be a .bmp format image. You open the image in your graphic 
program, do a "save as" and from the drop down menu, choose .bmp.

Do you mean you want the image to repeat (tile) seamlessly? And it's 
purpose? That's done in a graphic program. Preferably by someone who really 
knows how, because you can still get something that looks "blocky" if you 
don't. File size won't matter if you're using it for desktop wallpaper, 
file size will matter if you want to use it for a web page background. 
Again, someone experienced in graphic backgrounds for web pages is best, 
because there are methods to bringing down the file size, yet keeping the 
image quality up.

Did you mean something else? More info?


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