Re: jagged images

by Roxy <4Roxy(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 22 Feb 2001 14:22:53 -0500
 To:  Noteworthy Web Designs <webmaster(at)>,
HWG Techniques <hwg-techniques(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  noteworthydesigns
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 12:36 PM 2/22/01 , Noteworthy Web Designs wrote:
>Thanks for all the responses! Actually, my problem is trying to work
>with what someone else had sent me. My customer's graphics designer was
>working with this, so I can forward these suggestions to her, but is
>there a way for me to fix what she already has? She says her font is a
>Mac font, so I can't install it on my computer, but she never gave me
>the real name of it:-( Anyway, that's where my dilemma is...fixing
>what's already there when I can't just start it from scratch.
>Karen Stafford

I deal with "print designers" often. I tell them that THEY will have to=20
convert the images to web format (RGB colors instead of CMYK colors) and=20
final web size before supplying to the customer/me if they are using=20
programs I don't have, or if they won't surrender all the parts and pieces=
to put items into web format. Including the details -- like the name and=20
maker of a font, etc.

And I tell the customer that if their print designer won't cooperate, they=
should find a new one, one that is experienced in both print and web --=20
there are plenty out there. If that doesn't remove the stick from the print=
designer's *** and make them "get with the program", nothing will.

Most fonts have both a PC and a Mac version. If I have to buy a font in the=
PC version to re-create something, that cost gets included in my bill.=20
There is no reason for the designer to withhold that font / other detail=20
information. I also point that out to the customer, let them know their=20
print designer is trying to hold them hostage and limit the customer's=20
ability to accomplish something. That usually works, the customer will=20
pressure the print designer.

Just my 2=A2


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