where did my menus go

by Nate Harel <nharel(at)consultant.com>

 Date:  Wed, 27 Jun 2001 12:42:11 -0400
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi all,

I am trying this again since I have not been able to get a resolution.

Go to

Notice the menu on the left side. This menu is generated by a Javascript 
program I got from the net and massaged for my needs. If you click on 
"Hooded Cardigans" you get to a new page, then click on "Return to shopping 
menu" on the new page, the left side menu of the original page disappears. 
This only happens in Netscape, but works right in IE.

Any ideas?



			 Nate Harel
		        NetTech Services
		        66 Carol Road
		  Needham, MA  02492-1108
		    Tel: 1-781-559-8176
		 Toll Free: 1-877-567-8936
		   FAX: 1-877-567-8936
		 Email: nharel(at)consultant.com

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