Scrolling text

by Nate Harel <nharel(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 12 Aug 2001 08:31:50 -0400
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi all,

I have been asking for help from this group about this project and have 
gotten some great advice. However, each suggestion has brought on other 

Here is my situation.

I am using a background graphic that the client wants to have with the 
select buttons for the usual home, etc. To the right of those buttons, he 
wants a section that will have a scrollable text area with description 
(usually long text paragraphs) of various topics that are visible when the 
Home/Partners/Portofolio buttons are selected. So, I have gone down 3 
different paths, each to be blocked at certain points along he way - 
usually because of incompatibility with netscape. (I also want to make sure 
the text is placed correctly when the window is resized.)

1) is built with a 
textarea that easily scrolls. I can select the layer to display and place 
it in a position relative to the buttons depending on the screen size. 
Works well in IE, but as you might see, Netscape just doesn't do it.

2) I resorted to CSS. I 
used the scrolling default of a clipped layer. Again, worked well in IE, 
failed in Netscape.

3), I resorted to a 
javascript program from Peter-Paul Koch (one of the regulars here) for 
layer scrolling program. Though it works great with one layer, I ran into 
problems with multiple layers, placing the layer correctly for various 
screen sizes and again with netscape compatibility. (Could be I am just not 
savvy enough to use this program.)

Anyway, I had suggestions regarding using frames, but don't know how to get 
the background image to show up across the frames and don't want to scroll 
the buttons out of view.

I am desperate for ideas...

Thanks to all who helped and can give me some more insight.


			 Nate Harel
		        NetTech Services
		        66 Carol Road
		  Needham, MA  02492-1108
		    Tel: 1-781-559-8176
		 Toll Free: 1-877-567-8936
		   FAX: 1-877-567-8936
		 Email: nharel(at)

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