Re: Let's try this pest?

by "Smokin' Dave" <smokindave(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 14 Jun 2000 12:02:54 -0500
 To:  "Sue Bailey" <sue(at)>,
 References:  army
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 02:51 PM 6/14/00 +0100, Sue Bailey wrote:
>With reference to this discussion, can someone point me in the direction of
>a real/legal definition of spam? The reason I ask is that the company I work
>for is setting up shop online in the near future; we've been actively
>soliciting people to be put on our mailing list, so I don't worry about
>those who've asked to be, but also on that list are some people who (for
>example) have bought from us on eBay; those people are also going to receive
>a _one-off_ mailing telling them that we're open for business, or they were
>until all this started... Obviously we're quite happy to remove anyone from
>the list if they want to be, and the msg they get will tell them that, but
>having seen some of the vehemence in recent postings, I'm now worried that
>maybe just a single mailing to the wrong person might get us blacklisted.
>Can someone tell me how (or indeed if) I can notify people about our new
>site, without running this danger?

Hi Sue,

Personally, I don't see a problem to a company I've bought something from 
sending me ONE quick letter to let me know that, for example, they're 
running a special on a product I might be interested in, and I feel that 
that's pretty much accepted universally as a part of doing business online. 
Of course, that letter should always include a link for the recipient to 
opt out of their mailing list if he or she wishes to do so. Then, of 
course, buying, selling, renting, or trading email addresses, even 
addresses of people who just might be interested in your product, is a 
definite no-no.

Now, about unsolicited mail, if it's mail from a company I'm never done 
business with, no matter how much I might be interested in the product 
(then I'll make it a point to buy it elsewhere) it's spam, and I'll be 
aggravated enough about it to spamcop the letter.

Hope I didn't stray too far off topic.

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