RE: table alignment screw up - additional

by Matt <ncmail(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 24 Aug 2003 21:06:42 -0400
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
 References:  internavigate
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Shelley,

If no one has a better idea I would try this.

Make the 2nd section nested table to have 1 row with two data cells.  In 
the left cell put a table that contains the side nav bar.  In the right 
cell put another table with your text in paragraph form.  I think that will 
keep the length of the text from stretching out the side nav bar to an 
equal length.

Then put your footer info in a table below that.


At 02:14 PM 8/24/03 -0700, Shelley wrote:
>Sorry about that - should have mentioned that the table cells holding the
>side bar navigation spread apart (allowing the background to show through
>:) )
>         I've been working on a site in a rather piecemeal fashion over 
> the past
>couple of weeks while also taking vacation time.  Needless to say, not the
>best way for me to tackle a project.
>         Site is at and 
> the cells
>spread apart when the main text section gets longer.  I've worked around
>that by adding a blank gif and adjusting it to the size of the text cell but
>am really unhappy with this workaround.  Any suggestions greatly
>appreciated.  I seem to have hit a problem solving blank - too much holiday
>time, I guess and the odd margarita ;)

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