Mail program

by Nick Selby <nick(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 22 Jan 2000 09:56:10 +0100
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
I'm running a site and using The thing is, I have a central 
mailform with a drop down box to allow people to select the recipient from 
the 100 or so listed people on the site. It also automatically sends a copy 
of any mail sent to anyone through the form to a central email address so 
that we can keep records that the person sending the mail has agreed to the 
terms and conditions of the site.

Problem is that anyone peeking at the code will see the email address of 
the person on the site; something I want to avoid for several reasons, the 
top two of which are 1) we want to make sure we see copies of all mail to 
people on the site and 2) we don't want the people to be picked up by spam 
bots trawling for email addresses.

Does anyone know of a good free cgi email processing script that will allow 
me to reference email addresses by nickname only, and reference a hidden 
email address database somewhere off the public site?

Muchos thanks,
Nick Selby
Aviation, Travel & Technology Writer

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