Re: Linking drop down boxes

by Eric Anderson <eric_anderson(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 09 Jun 2000 11:15:28 -0500
 To:  "Sue Bailey" <sue(at)>,
 In-Reply-To:  barnum
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Sue! has an article describing the process of setting it up from 
the Server side and then implementing it on the Client side.  This article 
can be found at:

The end result is a set of arrays that are used to rebuild the second 
dropdown box based on the selected index of the first dropdown.  When I 
implemented a similar solution (before I found the article) I named my 
arrays based on the values in the first dropdown box.  This way I didn't 
have to worry about the order of the list in the first drop down list.

If you would prefer the code to this article, let me know and I should be 
able to dig it up.


At 02:58 PM 6/9/00 +0100, Sue Bailey wrote:
>Hi y'all.
>A few days ago, someone posted here requesting advice on manipulating the
>contents of a second drop down box based on the selection chosen in a first.
>I haven't seen any replies up here, and wondered if anyone has a good
>resource etc. on how to do this, if they would mind passing it along to me.

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