Re: I'm Still Using Text Editor

by =?iso-8859-1?Q?St=E9phane?= Bergeron <stephberg(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 02 May 2000 23:00:18 -0400
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
 References:  innotrac attglobal
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 06:08 PM 02/05/00 -0400, Frank Boumphrey wrote:
 >OTH one of my colleages uses Homesite, and swears by it, but he tweaks all
 >his code in a text editor!

 >At 08:15 PM 02/05/00 -0400, Rossi Designs wrote:
 >I was using cuteHTML from globalscape but I recently switched to homesite.
 >Wouldn't homesite be considered a text editor? (w/ added features)

Frank,  I'm not sure what you mean by your colleague swears by HomeSite=20
"but tweaks all his code in a text editor"?  HomeSite _is_ and _always has=
been_ a text editor... so there's no need to "tweak" anything outside of it.

HomeSite has become a complete Integrated Development Environment with time=
with the addition of FTP, Projects, Snippets and much more but it has=20
remained a code based editor at the core.  It's also configurable beyond=20
all other code editors I tried and, like Dreamweaver, many of HomeSite's=20
tools and commands can be scripted but you are not limited to using=20
JavaScript to do so.  It is extensible in many other ways too like by=20
adding or replacing existing tag editors or code coloring parsers and much=
more.  I have tried just about every other text editor out there and I=20
always came back to HomeSite.  It had annoying bugs for me in version 4.0=20
and that's why I had been looking for alternatives, but now with version=20
4.5.1 it works better than ever for me and I couldn't work with anything=20

I like to switch between HomeSite and Dreamweaver for some tasks but I do=20
the bulk of my work in HomeSite.  It gives you complete control over the=20
code and in an environment like the Web where you have no control=20
whatsoever over the conditions your work is viewed in, total control over=20
the code becomes extremely important and to me, HomeSite provides just=20
that... along with a slew of time saving features.

St=E9phane Bergeron

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