Re: Design Delimma

by Chris Hawkins <netmaker2(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 10 Jul 2001 23:32:16 -0700
 To:  Beth <beth(at)>
 Cc:  hwg-techniques(at)
 In-Reply-To:  netstat
  todo: View Thread, Original
very curious that they don't want style sheets due to audience, but they do 
use applets ..

At 10:34 PM 7/10/01 -0700, Beth wrote:
>Hi All,
>I am doing a site for an Architect (very linear minded).
>The site is at
>They do not want the menu system on the side.  They also really, really
>like the current menu at the top of the page. The only problem is that
>it only overlay an image within the applet for the menu.  I can't find
>one that will just pop up over just anything.  (Have to stay away from
>style sheets and anything a typical user might not have).
>They view the page at 800x600 so that's what I have to design for.
>Delimma arises on the subpages showing the different project.
>They want the larger image with thumbnails beside them but also the
>subnavigation within the these pages.
>Does anyone have a better idea on how to accomplish this?  They don't
>want a slide show because then the user won't be able to pick the image
>they want at will.
>So, all help, suggestions, other sites to look at would be great.
>Thanks in advance.
>Beth Borysewich

Chris Hawkins
Web Architect / UI and Design
650-620-9524 h
The idea is not to make art, but to be in that wonderful state which makes art
  inevitable.   	-- Robert Henri

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