RE: Advertising (Hopefully List Appropriate)

by Nathan Lyle <natlyle(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 09 Aug 2001 15:44:42 -0400
 To:  "Jim O'Brien" <JObrien(at)>
 Cc:  hwg-techniques(at)
 In-Reply-To:  witsys
  todo: View Thread, Original
>Good sales begins by appealing to peoples' wants and then, needs.  Implying
>that they need help is not a way to go about doing this.

Unfortunately, this is the one area of knowledge I know I am lacking in. I
do well with people in person, working with them in all kinds of situations
that make designer's want to pull their hair out, but I'm not much of a
business man and I have a hard time understanding a lot of the concepts and
techniques involved. Does my email really imply that their site "sucks" and
that is why I'm emailing them? I had hoped (when I wrote the email and sent
it) that I was saying only that I felt I could improve upon their site.
Granted, in some cases, I felt their site *did* suck, but didn't want to
say that. I guess maybe I just needed to put more thought into my
wording... I've always tended to trust my instinct when I write anything to
anyone, and to write how I'd talk, since talking to people has always gone
alright for me. <shrug> I obviously have much to learn.

~Nathan Lyle   (The Tragic Comedian Poet)

Email:  natlyle(at)    or    jopling(at)
Phone: (906)485-4806

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