RE: Strange Netscape Problem

by =?iso-8859-1?Q?St=E9phane?= Bergeron <stephberg(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 30 Oct 2000 06:29:49 -0500
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 10:18 AM 30/10/00 +0000, you wrote:
>Humm, 1) Give N4 a break - it's got code in it which dates back to the
>student project known as Mosaic.  This was build before anyone had even
>thought of having a DOM! and the reason Netscape gave up on the idea of
>trying to squeeze a N5 out of the same code and started the Mozilla/N6
>project.  N6 will be a completely new browser, with 0% inherated code and
>full standards compliance.

So does IE btw, both browser rely heavily on the Mosaic code base.  This is=
not an excuse for the sloppy programming in NN 4. And the DOM was already=20
in discussion at the W3C back when IE and NN 4 were being built.  Both=20
browsers implemented their version of the DOM but it turns out that IE'S=20
version was a lot more powerful and many aspects of it made it into the=20
final DOM level 1 spec.

>2) How can you complain about N4 failing on standards compliant pages and=
>the same breath complain about it NOT ignoring carriage returns in code.
>Geez this IS what the standards say it should be doing!!!

No at all, the standards specifically state that extra spaces and carriage=
returns in your code SHOULD be ignored and all extra spaces be reduced to a=
single space as you say below.  Netscape 4 does not comply with this so we=
have to write our table code on one line (at least at the cell level) so=20
that NN can display it right.  NN 6 does it right and so do IE and=20
Opera.   This is just one of countless points where NN is in violation of=20
the spec.

>You can't have
>your cake AND eat it my friend.  (An HTML browser should reduce all white
>space, spaces, tabs, line breaks, carriage returns, etc into the single,
>non-breaking white space character, Chr 160.
>Anyway, all of this is irrelivent.  It doesn't matter that Netscape 4 isn't
>standards compliant, nor that it has some accepter bugs.  what matters is
>that around 25% of the Internet population use it as their only or main

I know that and do code so that my work behaves in Netscape.  I'm a=20
professional and cannot afford to ignore the NN 4 user base.

>If you want me to use your site, buy your product/service you WILL make=
>site work on the browser I choose to use or I will simply go else where.
>Remember, your competitor (or your client's competitor) is only a mouse
>click away.

I know that... I didn't originate this thread saying I didn't care about=20
NN4 anymore, I have to and do.  I just tried to state the facts about why I=
believe NN 4 is a piece of garbage and why I can't wait for NN 6 to be=20
officially released.  I got especially ticked when one stated that NN 4=20
kept their code clean...

St=E9phane Bergeron

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