Re: CSS Question: # vs . (lb sign vs. period)

by tamara <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 08 Jan 2002 06:47:50 -0600
 To:  Rob Atkinson <robatkinson(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 03:24 AM 1/8/2002 -0700, Rob Atkinson wrote:
>Recently, I setup an Ikonboard Forum. I noticed the use of both, a lb. 
>sign (#) and a period (.) for declaring classes within the Style sheet.
>This is new to me and it appears to work, sort of. They use "ID" instead 
>of "Class" in most of their coding and there are other areas where both, 
>the HTML and the CSS are invalid. Makes it tougher to sort it all out.
>Would anyone have any info or links to info, on the use of the (#) in CSS 
>and its validity?

The pound symbol is for the id portion. The id is unique to a page while 
classes can be re-used.

<tamara />

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