Re: Desperately I need the specifics!

by =?iso-8859-1?Q?=22Alberto=2E=B7=2EVallini=22?= <vallinis(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 28 Jan 2001 05:26:05 +0100
 To:  "Frank Boumphrey" <bckman(at)>
 Cc:  hwg-techniques(at)
 References:  yahoo
  todo: View Thread, Original
Thank you Frank, I know you're a pillar in our environment, but really:=20
what do you mean when you say they are compliant 100% with dom1?
Ok, an istance:
NN4: innerWidth
IE4/(IE5 too): document.body.clientWidth

Now question is:
IE5/NN6: ???

What is the dom 1 then: innerWidth or body.clientWidth?
Apparently they have completely different doms, so now what NN6 and IE5=20
would use: both clientWidth or both innerWidth?
Also the website cannot be really helpful: I have no doubt you can=
orientate yourself on that site, but I'm used to things like Danny Goodman,=
Jeff Rouyer,  Jeffrey Friedl: I mean, people who explain and not just post=
codez :) I always found the webiste like the last resource to=20
resort to when you want to know how to implement something (ok, my=20
ignorance I agree!!).
The new dom shared by IE5 and NN6 is still a mistery! We don't have one=20
single book. Ok, I'm not unexperienced, but neither I am so experienced to=
find the right path at the website when they say things like:
package org.w3c.dom;

public interface Node3 {
     public String getBaseURI();

     public static final int DOCUMENT_ORDER_PRECEDING=3D 1;
     public static final int DOCUMENT_ORDER_FOLLOWING=3D 2;
     public static final int DOCUMENT_ORDER_SAME=3D 3;
     public static final int DOCUMENT_ORDER_UNORDERED=3D 4;

     public int compareDocumentOrder(Node other)
                                     throws DOMException;

     public static final int TREE_POSITION_PRECEDING=3D 1;
     public static final int TREE_POSITION_FOLLOWING=3D 2;
     public static final int TREE_POSITION_ANCESTOR=3D 3;

I mean, they find it explicative, I find it just code. Also this whole=20
matter of the nodes,... is there something for normal humas with javaScript=
and html and "old" dhtml and perl background where they explain to us what=
these getElementById and getElementByTagName are?
They really look like the phoenix: everybody knows it exists, nobody knows=
where it is.
Thank you very much in any case! I'm hungry for knowledge, but this new dom=
is like looking for the holy Graal!

>ie5 and I think nn6 are 100% compliant with the DOM level 1
>properties. IE5 also have some proprietry properties and methods for
>use with their XMLDOM ActiveX object.
>see and search for DOM.
>clipping, move by, etc are CSS properties, not DOM properties.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Alberto.=B7.Vallini" <vallinis(at)>
>To: <hwg-techniques(at)>
>Cc: <hwg-languages(at)>
>Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2001 3:19 PM
>Subject: Desperately I need the specifics!
>I'm getting crazy after this: does anybody know of a book or resource
>where, not in a nutshell or merely manualistic style, I can finally
>get a
>list of the new IE5/NN6 shared DOM properites?...(snip)...

vallinis(at) - vallini(at)
"Under the sun of the sleepless"  [Byron]

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