RE: Netscape CSS/Javascript Issue.

by =?iso-8859-1?Q?=22Alberto=2E=B7=2EVallini=22?= <vallinis(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 19 Feb 2001 19:24:57 +0100
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
 Cc:  kelowna(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original

uhm the address you provide, ie:
is probably inaccurate, so i am assuming the address you're experiencing=20
problems with would be this:
Did I guess?? or am I working with another page?

The problems there seem completely different from what you report, though.
On explorer I can see the page with the email address list in the center,=20
and the links to other site resources on the top left; but on netscape=20
(4.51) I see no email addresses and no links at all: an empty page!

It is honestly a problem to detect where the mistake is: I mean that the=20
"wiser" way before stumbling across unexpected/unwanted results is to=20
detect the misbehaviour as earlier as possible: once the document is=20
completed and the unpredicted behavior exhibits on an alternative browser=20
from the one used to build the whole original document, it would imply for=
any individual who might be wanting to help out that he/she had to=20
de-construct the document row by row in order to pinpoint at what stage the=
problem started showing itself. It is like debugging, and you know what a=20
pain it is when it has to be done on a completed document with all its full=
fledged stuff properties layers scripts, all intermingled and interacting.
Of course, the best thing would be to view every web page on both browsers=
not when finished but dozens of times through the programming process so to=
catch the problem as soon as it gets in the scene, or to catch it when it=20
is in the doorway at most, and not once it is hidden somewhere inside the=20
whole building.
The only thing I could suggest to you (without implying it is such cool a=20
piece of an advice) is that for your purposes, i.e. simply writing down a=20
list of email addresses, you could resort to oridary html tags: <A> <P>=20
<SPAN> tags are all dom1 compliant and you don't have to absolute=20
positioning any element or to give to it any z-index. That's paraphernalia=
and, in my humble opinion, should be used only when you're at war, that is=
building something that *demands* for it. Do not use a stealth bomber when=
you can defeat an adversary with a punch! :)
Alternatively, if you can provide me/us with an earlier draft of that page=
where you know the problem started surfacing, would be certainly easier to=
debug over there. I myself am interested since it is by trial and error=20
that we all can learn.

>Hi there,
>The following page has given me quite a bit of difficulty.
>This works fine in MSIE and Netscape 6.0 but the Netscape 4s
>just do not like it.
>The two major issues i've encountered are as follows.
>1) using the javascript code for random images in the <DIV> tag
>    for some reason sets the z-index for the images that follow
>    it to be ignored therefore pushing all the following images
>    to align below it and to the right.  this alignment also
>    prevents any scrolling.  maximize the height of your browser
>    to see what i mean.  if i move the javascript out of the
>    <DIV> tags and just use a standard image tag i have no
>    problems.
>2) rollovers are not working on the navigation buttons.
>I've tried having the code in the <HEAD> tags and the same
>issues have occured.  i've added <br> tags to the main <body>
>tags and the same issues have occured.
>Any advice will be appreciated, i've exhausted my gurus!
>- --kelowna

vallinis(at) - vallini(at)
"Under the sun of the sleepless"  [Byron]

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