OT: palm o/s question

by "Jeniffer C. Johnson" <lead(at)offlead.com>

 Date:  Sun, 30 Dec 2001 13:01:26 -0600
 To:  "HWG techniques" <hwg-techniques(at)hwg.org>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Sorry to ask this on this list, but I'm having a hard time figuring this 
out, and this is about the most knowledgeable group I'm on (for computer 
stuff anyway...hehe). Please reply off-list.

Can anyone help me figure out how to run a palm o/s application on my 
desktop? My reasons for wanting to do so are purely geek in nature...I've 
got a ton of ebooks and don't want to keep downloading them in two 
different formats so that I can read them on both the palm and the desktop. 
So I would like to be able to run iSilo on the desktop, and thus only have 
to download the ebooks in iSilo format.


Jeniffer C. Johnson
OffLead Productions

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