Re: htaccess and frames

by "Jeniffer C. Johnson" <lead(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 24 May 2002 07:03:38 -0500
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
 References:  offlead visionsnet rr
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 01:48 AM 5/24/2002, Andrew McFarland wrote:
>At 21:26 22/05/02 -0500, Jeniffer C. Johnson wrote:
>>Anyone have an explanation for why password protecting a directory with 
>>htaccess, when the index page is a frames page, causes double prompting 
>>for username/password? Once they've been entered the second time, the 
>>page loads up fine. Anyone else run into this?
>Happened to me a while back, but I can't remember what I did about it.
>Are all the pages in the same directory? Do the login dialogue boxes say 
>_exactly_ the same thing each time?

Yep, the pages are all in the same directory. I even moved the style sheet 
that said pages are linked to into that directory, so there's nothing being 
called from outside the protected area.

Ahha! Your question about whether the boxes say the same thing is my clue 
(still don't know what my answer is...haha).  The first one is for, and the second one is for Other than that, they 
are exact, though the second prompt comes up with the username already 
filled in, just asking for a password.

Very interesting.


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