Re: table cell background colors via CSS, and NN4

by "Jeniffer C. Johnson" <lead(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 20 Jul 2002 13:44:02 -0500
 To:  thewolves(at)
 Cc:  hwg-techniques(at)
 References:  rr offlead
  todo: View Thread, Original

>I looked at in NN4 and Mozilla 1, and didn't see 
>the problem you're describing - but I don't think this was the URL of the 
>page you're complaining about since I couldn't find any tabletop in the 
>source. Perhaps you forgot to include the URL? There wasn't anything at 
>either or 
>, and 
>gave a "server not found" error, so I ran out of URLs to try.
>Larry Coats

Sorry...I'm still waiting for my brain to get back from vacation. (I got 
back two weeks ago, but it's still apparently out running around the 
southwest without me.) I did forget to include the third url. But it IS , and it just pulled up fine for me. 
Oh...hehe...I see. The spelling on my name is...not typical. ;)

Sorry for the omission.

OffLead Productions

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