name, id, and forms

by Greg Hart <ghhart(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 07 Oct 2002 22:00:45 -0400
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
I've read repeatedly that in converting from HTML to XHTML, you must at 
least replace "name" with "id", or to keep older browsers happy, have both 
present. I've also read in a few places that they have to be the same 
value. Simple enough, until you get to elements such as checkboxes, radio 
buttons, and the like.

So my question is, on form items where normally the name would have been 
the same to group them, is this an unnecessary thing now, and we can name 
them "orderitem1", "orderitem2", etc? And how does the form know they are 
grouped, and should show up on the email side together (using Matt's 

Also, what browsers won't see the "id", and require a "name" to process the 

Just trying to get a handle on what the best current way(s) to work forms 


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