CSS -- hover applied to a table cell?

by "Jeniffer C. Johnson" <lead(at)offlead.com>

 Date:  Sat, 12 Oct 2002 09:40:24 -0500
 To:  <hwg-techniques(at)hwg.org>
 In-Reply-To:  pharaoh
  todo: View Thread, Original
Okay, my brain is stuck. I've got a certain affect in mind, and I'm not 
sure precisely how to achieve it. I'm also not able to bring to mind a 
single website that I've seen it on, though I know I have. (If I could 
think of a site example, I could go peek to see how they achieved it. *G*)

I have a left-side navigation area. Currently it's done in a nested table. 
(Actually, a set of nested tables.) What I want is for when the user mouses 
over a link, that the table cell the link is in to change color, with a 
border top and bottom. I know how to get borders top and bottom on a cell. 
What I don't know is how -- or even if -- I can apply a style definition to 
a table cell on hover, to be triggered by the link within said cell. 
Doable? No?


Jeniffer C. Johnson
OffLead Productions

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