Re: Another Dumb Tags Issue

by Kym Jones <kjones(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 15 Jun 2001 21:51:07 +0930
 To:  "Hwg-Techniques" <hwg-techniques(at)>
 References:  flkinfo net tim quillandmouse
  todo: View Thread, Original

Tim said:


>It's the equivalent of hacking a JavaScript that prevents the user hitting
>the back button to leave your site.  The web designer, simply, should have
>no control over the functionality of my chosen browser.

The disabling of the back button is something that *really* gets up my 
nose, especially if I have been searching for something, ventured into 
unknown territory, only to find that my only choice is to go back and start 
the search from scratch because some dimwit has prevented me from leaving 
their site.

I don't see this smart tags deal in the same way at all. If, as you say, 
the web designer should have no control over the functionality of your 
browser, isn't that exactly what Microsoft is planning to do ? ...they are 
controlling the way your browser functions or at least, they are forcing 
web designers to control the way your browser functions... :)

But that aside, I agree with Nancy and I can't imagine any company being 
happy coughing up big bucks to have a site designed, only to find that his 
visitors are being invited to visit with his competition.

It stinks...


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