Re: Reminder: HWG-Techniques' purpose...

by Kym Jones <kjones(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 20 Jul 2001 10:39:31 +0930
 To:  "Jim O'Brien" <JObrien(at)>,
"'hwg-techniques(at)'" <hwg-techniques(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  witsys
  todo: View Thread, Original

At 07:58 PM 19/07/2001 -0400, Jim O'Brien wrote:
>And I quote....
>"This list is targeted toward those of you who are of intermediate to
>advanced skill level. Its charter incorporates the issues of both "how to do
>it" and "why/when to do it" as they relate to website design and creation. "
>Notice it doesn't say to use this board for ongoing debates about IE and
>Netscape issues....
>Just trying to keep value in the groups....
>- "the Design Guy"


So how is one supposed to discuss  "how to do it" and "why/when to do it" 
without taking into account the "the good, the bad and the ugly" of both or 
all browsers ?  Surely the browsers are often at the core of many of the 

Granted, lengthy debates and flame wars about who likes what most are an 
interruption, but when they contain valuable information as to why 
something works better in one than in the other, IMHO they are both 
relevent and useful. When another little tidbit is added, often it will 
bring more into the discussion from someone who maybe was not involved 
because they had nothing to contribute.

I for one have learned an enormous amount from this list in 
years or so that I've been on it and if these posts are/were out of line, I 
just know the list guides will pounce with great dexterity upon the 
offending poster.

She who has had her fingers smacked more than once.... :)

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