weird behavior: netscape can't and can see image tag--problem solved

by Michael Southwell <MSouthwell(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 16 Oct 2001 15:00:36 -0400
 To:  highedweb(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original
Many thanks to all those who responded both on-list and off-list to this 
problem.  Most people suggested validation problems, which was plausible 
but wrong.  The actual culprit was an adblocker.  I am using Webwasher 
which you can get free at  It was intercepting 
adspace.gif, though not in IE or Opera, and simply dumping it (thus proving 
how well it works).  I am passing along the solution in case others might 
run into a similar situation sometime.  This is one of those things that 
seems so obvious once you know the answer but is maddening before then.

>Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 12:16:58 -0400
>To: highedweb(at), hwg-techniques-digest(at), 
>From: Michael Southwell <MSouthwell(at)>
>Subject: weird behavior:  netscape can't and can see image tag
>Here is something weird:  go to with IE5.5 
>or Opera5.12, and you see an adspace filler image in the upper right; 
>check the source and no problem.  Go there with NN4.7 or 6.1 or 
>Mozilla0.9.3 and you see nothing.  Look at the source and you see an empty 
>paragraph where the image tag should be.  But:  use those three browsers 
>on the local file and the image is there with no problem.
>I've tried moving this tag around and it seems to make no difference where 
>it is, whether inside or outside divs.  Anybody have any idea what's going 
>on here?  TIA
>Michael G. Southwell =================================
>81 South Road
>Bloomingdale, NJ 07403-1425
>973-838-1022 (voice) 973-492-7873 (fax)

Michael G. Southwell =================================
81 South Road
Bloomingdale, NJ 07403-1425
973-838-1022 (voice) 973-492-7873 (fax)

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