Cleaning My Table

by Ben Ocean <lists(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 27 Nov 2001 06:41:48 -0800
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
I have a few unsightly things in a table I'm trying to clean up. You can 
visit it here:
and proceed to the *showcart.php3* page. (You may have to hit *refresh* a 
time or two: another bug I'm trying to nix.) These are the things I'm 
trying to clean up:
1. I have to nest tables in order to not break a form. This puts the *check 
out* in its own row/definition. Both tables have borders as I want them. 
The problem is the *gap* above the *check out* button: I want it gone. How?
2. Thanks to Christie Cooksie I now have nice onMouseOver bgcolor changers. 
Now I want the color to *just* be behind the word itself, similar to if I 
had a bgcolor in a font style element, but responsive to javascript. How do?
3. I have an <input type=submit> tag that I would like to replace with text 
surrounded by an anchor. Is this possible?

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