Two Questions: One Javascript, One Tables

by Ben Ocean <lists(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 11 Feb 2002 01:37:11 -0800
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
I have the following code on a page:

      </td><td bgcolor=black onMouseOver="javascript:bgColor='white'" 
onMouseOut="javascript:bgColor='black'" width=<dtml-var 
"sizeCalc(92,size(_.None,_))"> height=<dtml-var "sizeCalc(17,size(_.None,_))">>
       <font style="font: <dtml-var "sizeCalc(13,size(_.None,_))"> antique 
olive, arial" color="white" onMouseOver="javascript:color='black'" 

Ignore the dtml stuff. On the second line (the <font> tag) my mouse over 
and out aren't working. Why?

Please visit this page:
I'd like the table to snug up against the top, left-hand corner and I'd 
like those small graphics that form the right-hand side of the nav bar to 
snug up against each other. How do I accomplish that?


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