Re: URL length

by Norman Bunn <norman.bunn(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 12 Feb 2002 10:19:54 -0500
 To:  John McConnell <form(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original
Domain names are going for $10 or less a year and many registrars offer 
cheap alias accounts as well, so why not have both?


>I have been going back and forth with a client about the length of a url 
>for his new website.  According to an Alert Box from Jakob Nielsen that's 
>3 years old, he says names need to be short and easy to type.  Makes 
>sense.  But, since people are more and more using bookmarks and search 
>engines to find sites, I'm wondering if it's ok now for urls to be much 
>longer and descriptive so they can be used in ads.  My client wants to use 
>the url in ads and that would be the name of the company as well.  For 
>instance, instead of
>I was the one saying it needs to be short, but maybe it doesn't.  Any 
>John McConnell

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