Cellpadding problem?

by Ted Lontine <Ted.Lontine(at)mt3solutions.com>

 Date:  Fri, 23 Aug 2002 15:39:16 -0600
 To:  HWG-Techniques <hwg-techniques(at)hwg.org>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Can anyone tell me why I am seeing the background color at the bottom of=20
the top cell of my table? This happens in IE 6.0 & NN 4.78 but NOT in Opera=
6.02. The effect I want is what is seen in Opera. The cell in question has=
an image which should take up the entire cell and the cells below SHOULD=20
flow into a seamless graphic effect, except for the small band of=20
background color (grey) that shows though. I have tried to set the=20
cellpadding values to 0 with no change. The page is at:


and the style sheet is at http://www.mt3solutions.com/dhs/styles.css

This is probably simple, but I have stared/pulled my hair for a while now=20
and have found no answers.



Ted Lontine | MT3 Solutions=AE | Brighton, Colorado
303.252.7899 | Ted.Lontine(at)mt3solutions.com | www.mt3solutions.com

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